The Productive Professional - Wyzr | Learn from India’s top minds.


The Productive Professional

The Productive Professional

by Tanay Pratap, Dr. Satyendra Rai

Time is perhaps the only commodity available in equal measure to every living individual. Yet, many of our ambitions are set aside because of an apparent 'lack of time'.

What separates the smartest and most successful from the rest is the value they generate from this time. In other words, how 'productive' we are determines the quantity as well as quality of the output we generate.

Good news is that productivity can be learned and everyone, regardless of their background, can introduce some simple changes in their life to become their most productive self.

In this book, Tanay draws upon his personal journey from being an average Joe to becoming a productivity superhero, donning multiple hats simultaneously and excelling in each of them. He takes you through the methods and habits that helped him bring about this massive change that not only improved his life but that of so many others who look up to him.

The book not only covers some of the usual productivity killers like distraction and social media, but also dives into some fascinating concepts like marathon learning and using teamwork to drive your own productivity.

Read this book to do more with your time, and achieve results faster than you ever imagined.

Who should read this book?

Anyone who intends to do more with their time and grow faster without compromising the basic joys in life. College students and young professionals would relate more with the general tone and examples in the narrative. However, the book would be equally useful for seniors and kids who are actively looking to improve their daily output.


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